Working on Cars Made Me a Stronger Woman in These 5 Ways

Republished with permission from the awesome team at  Afraid to open your hood because you might break a nail? Lots of women know the feeling, but don’t be afraid. Working on cars is an empowering experience. Click ahead to discover five ways...

Rico Abreu, the Chili Bowl, and Unbridled Enthusiasm

January 19, 2016  A year ago we wrote of how enthusiastic the spectators were when Rico Abreu won the Chili Bowl, the uniquely American indoor dirt track race that draws over 300 participants.  The more than 15,000 fans packed into the Tulsa Expo Center chanted Rico...

5 Car Ads That History’s Proven Wrong

It’s no big secret that car companies lie to sell cars. In some cases, it’s a simple, fairly innocuous lie, projecting base horse power as road horsepower, claiming a mpg average that can only be achieved on a brand new road in ideal weather conditions at a reasonable...

Black Noon, a Somewhat Personal Book Review

“There are few events with more pomp and pageantry than the running of the Indianapolis 500… It is part Memorial Day celebration, part three-ring circus, and part Shakespearean drama.” –Black Noon, The Year They Stopped the Indy 500 Your reviewer confesses to...

The Race of Gentlemen goes Bi-Coastal

The Race of Gentlemen, affectionately known as TROG, first run in 2012 not far from the headquarters in New Jersey, has from the start proven immensely popular – so much so that a second event, on the California coast, is being planned for this year....

McLaren’s Tyler Alexander

The passing this week of Tyler Alexander, at age 75, is significant on many levels. First, he had been an influential figure in worldwide racing for half a century. Second, he was one of the founders of the McLaren racing organization. And third, he was an American in...