So You Wanna Have a Car Show – Tips, Tricks, and Ideas for a Perfect Event
There’s no time like the present to start planing out your next car show! Our team here at Car Show Safari loves attending cruises, racing events, cars and coffee events and more, and we’re here to share some of our tip, tricks, and ideas for creating a fantastic show–just click on some of our articles below!
Social Media and Your Car Show
The thing you will learn about social media, however, is that in order to build an organic, responsive and engaged audience, you need to start now. Your Facebook page will not hit a thousand likes overnight the week of your show and if it did, it wouldn’t help you to the same effect as an audience you develop slowly and with true interaction.
Now is the perfect time to get started. The shades are closed and the weekends are no longer spent at shows or racetracks. Now is the time of year when enthusiasts start to crave the classics, when we all want for a bygone car show season.
When’s the best time of year to put on a car show?
It seems to pretty obvious and, in the big brush stroke way of things, it can be. Don’t put on a car show in Montana in January or Florida in July. Check, moving on. But if you want to find the really perfect time to put your automotive event on, there are a few things you’ll want to consider in more depth. Based on my experiences at car shows around the country and at all times of the years, here are some things to keep in mind when looking at next year’s show calendar.
While a cold front may have descended upon most of the United States, it’s not too early to start planning out the most important elements of your upcoming car show, cruise night, cars and coffee or concours. Each of these unique automotive events requires something different, but there are a few constants to keep in mind. Today, we’re here to help you find the perfect location.
Car show season is starting up for most of the country and even if it’s still snowy and cold in your home town, it’s never too early to start thinking about the best ways to make your car event bigger and better than ever before. In this latest installment of So You Want to Have a Car Show, we discuss some of the most important vendor options to consider and the best ways to entice attendees and encourage them to stick around.