715: Randy Owens is a world renowned automotive artist.

Randy Owens is a world renowned automotive artist whose vibrant colors, clean form, and crisp edges have excited enthusiasts and collectors for decades. After being introduced to auto racing in 1978 Randy began making serigraphs of motor racing subjects in his own...

At Daytona, 60 + 60 + 80 equals 500

The 59th running of the Daytona 500 gets the green flag this Sunday, but it will be nothing like the 58 races that preceded it. Each of those 58 races was a 500-mile high-speed endurance contest.  Green flag, 500 miles, checkered flag.  Not so this year.  This year,...

What Went Wrong With the Atlantic City Car Show?

The problem is, it should be good. The Atlantic City Car Show, a massive event set before the east coast car season even begins, should be a smash hit. It has been in the past. But the last few years have seen a decline in one of the most anticipated New Jersey car...