In 2015, a gentleman by the name of Mike Trio watched “Rush,” the Ron Howard film about the rivalry between Formula One greats Niki Lauda and James Hunt. Not long thereafter, Mr. Trio, in his role as City Manager for the town of Coatesville, Pennsylvania, walked...
Peter Gleeson is an automotive enthusiast whose passion for cars began when he was a child growing up in South London and trips to Brands Hatch to see the races. From his meager beginnings Peter learned hard work, and over working, would get him where he wanted to be....
Okay, I’m not going to say that it’s more difficult to get my hands on a copy of the 1988 film, Tucker: The Man and His Dream than it is to get my hands on a real Tucker, but it’s pretty damn close. The technology-savvy partner and I scoured the Internet, looking even...
MAHWAH, New Jersey – Six years ago, everyone in the New Jersey car show hobby thought Dead Man’s Curve had lost their collective minds. Here was an organization, albeit with a history of successful car shows, that thought to challenge the long-standing,...
John Nikas has dedicated his life to British sports cars, which has seen him own and race models from most of the country’s great marques. Born into an Anglophile household, he learned to clean oil spots and diagnose electrical gremlins from a young age, which has...