Rods N Rock Car Show

SATURDAY, August 20, 2016 – Rods N Rock Car Show – sponsored by Stewart Ranch. Annual car, pickup, antique tractor, and motorcycle show. Carson Fairgrounds, right off Highway 21, turn right onto Main Street from the highway. Held in conjunction with Grant...

Third Annual Bayville First Aid Car and Truck Show

All Makes and Models Welcome. Awards given by People’s Choice and Mayor’s Choice. Motorcycles Welcome. PRE-REGISTRATION (PRIOR TO APRIL 24TH 2016) $12.00 REGISTRATION DAY OF EVENT $15.00. MUSIC, FOOD AND TROPHIES. RAIN OR SHINE, THE SHOW WILL GO ON. OPEN...

Muscle Car Adventures-1

Muscle Car Adventures, September 9 – 11, is a driving event at Chula Vista Resort for muscle cars of any brand and model. 2016 will be the 4th annual event and it is the only weekend event in the nation dedicated exclusively to driving muscle cars. This event...

EuroBrit Auto & Bike Expo 2015

EuroBrit Auto & Bike Expo 2015 – June 5-6 2015 – Open to all British and European Marques!(Regardless of condition! Mint, Fully Restored, Drivers, and works-in-progress ALL encouraged to attend!) — ***FRIDAY, JUNE 5th – Evening Guided...