Joey Giordano is a Master Tech with Toyota/Lexus whose passion for automobiles goes back to his childhood where he spent time with his dad working on cars. He is a dedicated Volkswagen fanatic who decided to join Ben Sprints and Lee Stahlecker at Straight Up Dubs as a...
Scott Furgiuele is a Partner at 2ndCar, an online auction site, buy it now sales, and an automotive blog for track events, DIY tips, and lots of cool car stories. Along with his business partner Tom Giertz, a past Cars Yeah guest, and Andy Ritt, Scott is a life-long...
Tom Giertz is the CEO at 2ndCar, an online auction site, buy it now sales, a blog for track events, DIY tips, and lots of cool car stories. Along with his business partners Scott Furgiuele and Andy Ritt, Tom is a life-long automotive enthusiast who has turned his...
Stanislav Kaplan has been a gearhead from the day his family landed in America, having come from Ukraine. He’s raced motorcycles and cars and participated in drifting events. He ran body shops and service shops and served as a service writer and manager at automotive...
Nashville–While Nashville is undoubtedly a smaller city than Manhattan or Los Angeles, it sits in a prime location to showcase new vehicles and promote back models. Behind the healthcare sector, the auto industry is the second largest the state has to offer, with...