1276: Mark Moskowitz Mark Moskowitz MD is a retired surgeon.

Mark Moskowitz MD is a retired surgeon, racer, and car collector. He is Director and Curator of The Museum of Automobile History, manages the estate of the renowned automotive artist, Carlo Demand, serves on the Board of Directors of Carolina Motorsports Park and is...


FAQs: If the following FAQs do not provide the answers you need, please email us at info@carshowsafari.com. We’re happy to help! How Do I Find an Event? Simply click on “Find an Event” in the menu bar. It will take you to the Event Listings page which defaults to all...

Vintage Thunderbird Club International (VTCI) Convention

>>> This ALL-THUNDERBIRD meet is open to ALL Thunderbirds and All Thunderbird Club members. The Vintage Thunderbird Club International (VTCI) will have its 2019 International Convention at the Westin Hotel Princeton at Forrestal Village, August 8, 9 & 10,...

1274: Tom Jones is the CEO of Taper Roller Bearings.

Tom Jones is the CEO of Taper Roller Bearings, Evergreen Properties, and Hilltop Marine. Taper Roller Bearings has been a family company since 1972 offering 24-hour machinist who provides unmatched service through their Speed Program® with same-day manufacturing of...

Grace Community Car Show

This car, truck and motorcycle show benefits local children and their families. Our community playground continues to be added to. And their is a future project to build a Family Restore Center for parents and children to work together to restore rides and...