Located in Bowie Texas, the Piston Heads Auto Club was organized in 2003 as a means for local auto enthusiasts, of both old and new autos, to get together to share ideas, have fun and enjoy fellowship. We host two yearly auto shows (last weekend of March and first weekend of October), cruises, cruise-ins, and other similar activities. Sometimes we just get together to have a good time, participate in local events, or perform community service, as needed. The club strives to offer an activity or event at least once a month. We are a family-oriented club, with participation by both spouses/partners. You can even bring the kids.
Club membership is open to anyone (regardless of location) with a valid driver\’s license and a love of cars (hotrod not required). If you would like to be a part of this amazing club, come to our next club meeting, and check us out. We meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Wellington State Bank building located at 1301 Hwy 59, Bowie, TX at 7 pm (no need to bring your hotrod). Normally we get there a little early for a bit of social time (6:30 pm) and snacks (provided by a volunteer club member), and we get dinner (locally, of course) afterwards. Board meeting is the same nigh at 6 pm.
2022 Board of Directors
Bruce Newton, President
Jerry Eckhart, Vice President
Kimberly Eckhart, Secretary
Bonnie Ledbetter, Treasurer
Mary Kay Jones, Member-at-Large
Richard Rotruck, Member-at-Large
Larry Berghoefer, Member-at-Large
Facebook: FB.me/PistonHeadsAC
E-mail: Pistonheadsautoclub@Yahoo.com
Website: Pistonheadsautoclub.com