Jim Ciardella met Brian Burnett, owner of Ferrari of Los Gatos, and over the years learned about that iconic dealership via Brian’s Stories. This led to Jim authoring a book titled The Dealer, the untold story of how one California dealership fueled the rise of...
Bill Reidy is the Vice President of Sales at Handwrytten, global leader in handwritten notes and creators of robotic writing machines that mimic actual handwriting helping auto dealerships to enhance customer experience through personalized notes for various...
Divya Sangameshwar is the insurance expert and spokesperson at ValuePenguin and has been sharing industry statistics about insurance since 2014. Today she’ll share her State of Auto Insurance Report and more about the automotive insurance industry in the new year that...
Aileen Santiago is a 17 years old, high school Junior at Design and Architecture Senior High in Miami, Florida. Aileen is the Grand Prize winner of the RPM Foundation’s Design Without Limits Competition sponsored by Prometheus. The competition took place at the...
David Voxlin is Director of Behavior Change and Sustainability at SKIM, a global decision behavior research consultancy. Skim recently conducted research into consumer attitudes, emotions, and knowledge as to what may be holding back mass EV-adoption. Their results...
Crispian Besley is a first-time author with a lifelong interest in cars and passion for motor racing. He’s done some racing himself and more recently enjoys historic single seat race cars including a Cooper F1, as well as Brabham, and Surtees F2 cars. Crispian’s main...