

Out Standing in the Field

How CarShowSafari.com was born

Not long ago, Tomm Scalera drove his 1962 Thunderbird convertible to an out-of-state car show. Upon arriving he found himself in an empty field with a handful of other car enthusiasts who, like him, were wondering why the show was cancelled despite perfect weather. He checked his Smartphone for any indication of the cancellation or alternative events to attend but found nothing in either category. It was only after returning home that Tomm learned from a fellow hobbyist about another car show that had occurred on the same day, not far from where he’d just been.

As a result, the thought came to Tomm that there should be a place that lists every car event with real-time updates to help all enthusiasts make informed choices and avoid disappointment. From that inspiration CarShowSafari.com was born.

CarShowSafari.com is the single source for information about “Every Car Event – Everywhere.”

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