Lance Lambert is the executive producer and host of televisions Vintage Vehicle Show that appears weekly on 101 TV stations and 27 foreign markets and has aired over 450 episodes. He’s an author of the automotive book Fenders, Fins & Friends: Confessions of a...
Michael Keyser operates Autosports Marketing Associates in Butler, Maryland. In 1969 he became interested in motor racing and for the next decade he was a photographer, filmmaker, and he won the 12 hours of Sebring as a driver in 1976 with Al Holbert. His book and...
David Ryan has been a coachbuilder and metal shaper for over 28 years. Before opening his own shop outside of Calgery, near Crossfield, Alberta, he spent time creating and restoring magnificent automobiles including Rolls Royce, Bentley, Morgan and Hudson. He spent...
Don Byars is the owner of Full Throttle Panteras in Lake Elsinore California. He started working on Panteras in his dad’s driveway way back in 1983. In 1998 when he founded Precision Pro-Formance in Brea, California they provided full service and parts. In 2010 he...
Tony’s passion for automobiles officially began at age 9 when he got his first motorcycle. This led to an infatuation with all things mechanical. He got his first car at age 15, and learned to paint automobiles at age 19. Since then, Tony has focused on automotive...