Alex Martin-Banzer was barely a year out of the womb before she attended the Mille Miglia in Italy. Her father is the publisher of Sports Car Market Magazine and host on TV’s What’s My Car Worth. Alex’s life around cars has been non-stop. She learned to shift at 10...
David Ghodoussi is the Founder of Optimum Polymer Technologies, known as Opti-Coat based in Memphis, Tennessee. With dealers around the globe who are trained to properly apply their products, Opti-Coat offers multiple products providing incredibly high gloss and slick...
Stephen Serio owns and operates Aston Martin of New England, Lotus Motorsports, and the Bond Group. He started his car business in November of 1987. At that time he was a full-time professional photographer and needed a way to supplement his passion for cars. He ran...
Pushkar Modi is the Chief Auto Enthusiast and Engineering Lead at Turo in San Francisco, California. He’s a design-centric, full-stack software engineer with a passion for cars, Formula One, and Top Gear. Turo is a website where local automobile owners give travelers...
Richard Truesdell is an automotive photographer and journalist. He produces the Automotive Traveler magazine and Legendary Cougar Magazine. His early entrepreneurial career included owning and operating a car stereo store. He began writing audio reviews for...