Leigh Diffey is a native of Brisbane, Australian who lives in the U.S. and is a Play-by-Play Announcer with NBC Sports. Leigh is the voice of Formula One television and IndyCar. He travels the world covering Formula One along with David Hobbs and Steve Matchett. He...
Kellen Silverthorn is an automotive artist and stone sculpture who has been car obsessed since his earliest memories. He is a collector of automotive fine art who has channeled his obsessions in to stone sculpting. His is a painstaking, and physically laborious...
Deb Pollack is a luxury automotive consultant with a focus on promoting her clients, their products, and services to the automotive enthusiast. She has spent the better part of three decades representing quality companies with big names and big reputations including:...
Francielena Mendez is an industrial engineer from Venezuela who has been based in Panama for the last two years. Before moving to Panama she was the technical trainer for the Automotive Aftermarket Division of 3M Venezuela. Today she is the Product and Training...
Tony Zeal is the Global Training Manager at CTEK in Vikmanshyttan, Sweden. CTEK is a global company whose mantra, Maximizing Battery Performance, amply describes their goal. Formed in 1997, CTEK designs and builds a smarter battery charger and maintainer using a...