John Rogers is the Director of Club Operations at the Thermal Club in Thermal, California nestled in a valley between the Santa Rosa Mountains and Joshua Tree National Park. The Thermal Club is a private, Alan Wilson designed five-mile racetrack. It features dramatic...
Richard Schickman is the Founder of the RSR Project in New York where he re-creates and builds high-quality Porsche RSR tribute cars. His lifelong passion for Porsches is the catalyst that pulls him from his day job in real estate, to the garage where he creates dream...
Frederic Aasbo is a Formula Drift World Champion whose nickname fits his talent, The Norwegian Hammer. He hails from Ski, Norway and is known for his flat-out driving style. He’s earned over 100 podium finishes on three continents over the past decade with multiple...
Tim Arfons is the Founder of Akron Turbine Group where they design and build track driers. Their units are unique in that they are easy to operate, self contained, and fit in the back of a pickup truck. Tim grew up in an automotive family and his father Art is a...
Jason Harding is the Director of Aftermarket Operations for Katech in the Clinton Township, Michigan. Katech provides their customers with innovative products and cutting edge technologies in the areas of engine design, prototyping, testing, R&D, manufacturing,...