Julia Taylor-Stanley has a demonstrable track record in feature film financing, production, and distribution and she is one of the most well-respected film producers in the UK. Her most recent film, Ferrari: Race to Immortality is a groundbreaking motor racing...
Michael Ledwitz is an automotive artist and aspiring TV Host. His professional career in automotive art started after he was in a near fatal car accident in 2005. He was forced to slow down from work in franchising in order to heal. His painting began as a hobby; a...
Theresa Gilpatrick is the Executive Director of the Ferrari Club of America. She was born and raised in Los Angeles, the heart of car culture. Always having the car bug, she collected Matchbox cars, built Revell models and anticipated her driver’s license far too...
Paul Mathers is the Event Director for Motorclassica, Australia’s most prestigious classic motoring event attracting over 23,000 automotive enthusiasts annually. His passion for cars was realized when Exhibitions & Trade Fairs hired Paul to envision and deliver...
Brad Phillips is the National Relationship Manager and Brand Ambassador for Hagerty Insurance. Over his lifetime, he’s attempted to restore over 30 vehicles from the Nickel era through the 1990s. Brad’s a road trip fanatic, having been coast to coast and everywhere in...