Ky ‘Rocketman’ Michaelson battled the government, gravity, a profound learning disability, and dyslexia, to become the first civilian to launch a rocket into space. His adventures are the subject of a documentary titled ‘Rocketman: A Documentary,’ currently in...
Geoff Bolam is an automotive artist who comes from a long line of artists, going back 5 generations with a distant relation to the great William Morris. An early fascination with cars and machines was nurtured by his father Denis, a Marine Engineer, who taught him how...
Stanislav Kaplan has been a gearhead from the day his family landed in America, having come from Ukraine. He’s raced motorcycles and cars and participated in drifting events. He ran body shops and service shops and served as a service writer and manager at automotive...
Greg Maskell is the owner of Maskell’s Customs and Classics in Shepparton, Australia. Since 2003, Greg, his wife, Julie, and their talented team have shared a “Nothing is Impossible” attitude when it comes to restoring and caring for their customers’ cars....
Michael Marcangelo is the Marketing Manager at Prestone Products Corporation. Prestone is the number one branded consumer choice for antifreeze and coolant, brake fluid and power steering fluid in North American. They offer a wide range of vehicle maintenance products...