Wade Kawasaki is the President and CEO of Legendary Companies. In his role, Wade oversees the twelve Legendary Companies brands and six operating companies. He is based out of the Coker Group’s corporate headquarters in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In 2017 he was sworn in...
Steve Ahlgrim has been buying and selling collectible automobiles for nearly 40 years. Along the way, he put his experience to good use judging several Concours a year. While his expertise is the Ferrari marque, his assignments have ranged from brass era Buicks to the...
George Patrick is a lifelong automotive enthusiast, whose company Automotive Performance Group (APG) is a custom vehicle manufacturer with years of expertise and experience. The APG flagship vehicle is the Ranger PRORUNNER conversion package that brings real off-road...
Brian Baker is the Information Technology Manager for Keith Martin’s Sports Car Market Magazine. He is a fourth-generation automotive enthusiast whose interest is heavily focused on Japanese cars from the 1970s through the 1990s and he has a deep interest for the...
Kevin Buckler is the founder and CEO of Adobe Road Winery and The Racers Group (TRG). He is a professional race car driver and team owner. Adobe Road has become one of the darling boutique producers coming out of Sonoma and Napa counties and has received over 30+...