Lee Craft is the Monday Morning Racer. He is an avid motorsports and car culture enthusiast who from dairy farm to nitro dragsters has had an accelerated ride into the world of motorsports media. His Monday Morning Racer persona closely follows the world of...
Nicholas Wyman is CEO and Founder of the IWSI Group, a global network and leading enterprise dedicated to matching job seekers with automotive careers through apprenticeships. Nicholas has set up International scholarships to help young people find...
Heath Norton is a 4th generation member of Callies Performance Products, a company that was founded in 1989. It’s a business where he and his talented team engineer and build high performance crankshafts, connecting rods, and camshaft...
Devon Crail is the Co-Founder of Zero260.com, an automotive enthusiast website he created along with longtime friend, and past Cars Yeah guest, John Goodman. The site’s daily “Fast Finds” have become a must-read for subscribers who get to see highlights of...
Justin Ashley won the NHRA Summer Nationals during his Top Fuel rookie season in 2020 and he finished in the Top Ten, earning the 2020 NHRA Rookie of the Year. Justin is in partnership with Davis Motorsports and fields the Strutmasters.com Top Fuel dragster in the...