Peter Grimsdale is a British novelist and award-winning television producer who has made shows for BBC, PBS, and Discovery. His latest book is titled Racing In The Dark: When The Bentley Boys Conquered Le...
Joe Sherbondy is the Product Director in radar category at Cedar Electronics, where they produce the best-selling detectors on the market. Brands including Escort and Cobra, Joe knows the ins and outs of the radar detector...
Brent Waldman is the President of BRW Monterey, a real estate investment company. He is an automotive enthusiast who loves to enjoy his old cars, especially at The Quail Rally.
Shawn Coady is a car and motorcycle collector who is taking an extremely rare and originally preserved 1902 Indian motorcycle that will be at The Quail, A Motorsport Gathering.
Tom Porter is the Senior Business Development Manager at SpeedKore Performance Group, an American performance company where their engineers and artisans combine traditional craftsmanship with cutting edge technology.