1876: Peter Grimsdale The Bentley Boys

Peter Grimsdale is a British novelist and award-winning television producer who has made shows for BBC, PBS, and Discovery.  His latest book is titled Racing In The Dark: When The Bentley Boys Conquered Le...

1875: Joe Sherbondy Radar Detectors

Joe Sherbondy is the Product Director in radar category at Cedar Electronics, where they produce the best-selling detectors on the market. Brands including Escort and Cobra, Joe knows the ins and outs of the radar detector...

1874: Brent Waldman The Quail

Brent Waldman is the President of BRW Monterey, a real estate investment company. He is an automotive enthusiast who loves to enjoy his old cars, especially at The Quail Rally.

1873: Shawn Coady Collector

Shawn Coady is a car and motorcycle collector who is taking an extremely rare and originally preserved 1902 Indian motorcycle that will be at The Quail, A Motorsport Gathering.

1872: Tom Porter SpeedKore

Tom Porter is the Senior Business Development Manager at SpeedKore Performance Group, an American performance company where their engineers and artisans combine traditional craftsmanship with cutting edge technology.