Kai Lermen is the General Manager of Quail Lodge & Golf Club, home of The Peninsula Hotels Signature Events, organizers of renowned motoring events The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering and The Quail Motorcycle Gathering, both hosted...
Martin Button is the CEO of Cosdel International Transportation, a company that transports historic, rare, and collectible automobiles around the world.
Julius Kruta is a freelance historian and automotive advisor. He started his career in 2000 at Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S in the marketing department. In 2003 he became ‘Head of Tradition’ of Bugatti Automobiles...
Al McEwan is the senior member of the Pebble Beach Concours Selection Committee and their Chief Class Judge for European Classics. In 2005 he founded, and along with his wife Sandi, oversees the Motoring Classic, an annual driving event that starts in the Pacific...
Miles Morris is an official FIVA inspector and examiner and judges at many international classic car events including the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, where he serves as a member of the Selection Committee. He has operated a specialist historic car consultancy...