Albert Viator earned a degree in Film and TV production and began his career shooting and producing film and TV programming. His recent book titled An Accidental (PSY) Warrior talks about his time in Viet Nam touring with the Army Infantry during the war tied with...
Rachel Thurow has been into cars since she was young. Rachel is also an actor and model. You’ll recognize her from her R&D Garage YouTube show. She is always happy to talk to a like-minded car person and especially loves making women feel comfortable about...
Rick McCloskey, also known as Rick Mack, is an artist, photographer, and collector car enthusiast. He grew up in the San Fernando Valley in the 50s and 60s. This was a time of car cruising culture along Van Nuys Boulevard, Bob’s Big Boy Drive-ins. Rick created his...
Jeff Mason Founded Hero Design Studio and began a career as a designer and entrepreneur. When he and his brother Chris started preparing to race the Carrera Panamericana, it was natural for him to create Driving La Carrera, a podcast and blog to share the stories from...